How to make Pineapple Juice

Pineapple contains bromelain, which aids digestion, making it ideal for finishing a meal. Pineapple is also filled with vitamin C.

1. Pick the right pineapple

If your pineapple is under ripe it will be sour. If it is overripe, it may be way too sweet.

  • Pineapple's Smell: A sweet scent is generally considered the most important aspect of choosing a ripe pineapple. If it has no scent, it's not ripe. Avoid pineapples that smell fermented. Although you want the pineapple to smell sweet, you do not want it to be so ripe that the sweet smell has an alcoholic or vinegar-like taint to it.
  • Pineapple's color: It will often reflect a golden-yellow color, but a green pineapple is not necessarily unripe.
  • Pineapple's skin: Avoid pineapples with wrinkled skin, reddish-brown skin, cracks or leaks, mold, or brown withering leaves.
  • You want the pineapple to be firm, but soft enough that it gives very slightly when you press down on it.

2. Cut off the stem

3. Peel the pineapple

4. Remove the eyes

Place your knife to the left of one diagonal line of eyes. Cut in at a 45-degree angle just underneath the eyes.

Pick up your knife and place it to the right of the same diagonal line. Cut in at a 45-degree angle in the opposite direction.

Work your way down. Continue cutting from the top diagonal line to the bottom diagonal line, creating long parallel grooves in the pineapple’s flesh. It will start to look like a spiral.

Turn the pineapple a quarter turn a repeat. When you have worked your way around the pineapple, you will have a beautiful spiral pattern and bright yellow flesh.

5.Cut the pineapple into fourths vertically

Cut the center core of the pineapple away in a vertical slice. Discard the core. This part of the pineapple is tough and fibrous. It is also not very sweet.

6. Chunk the pineapple

Cutting your pineapple slices into chunks will help with blending it into juice later. It doesn’t really matter what size chunks you cut, but aim for about 1-inch chunks or smaller.

7. Pour your pineapple chunks into a blender

8. Make it a little sweet (optional)

Add 2 to 3 tbsp of sugar or honey to give it a little sweetness.

9. Add some ice (optional)

If you are looking for a chilled slushier drink, add 6 to 8 ice cubs.

10. Add water (optional)

Add 1 cup of water. If you want very think juice, just add 1/4 or 1/2 cup. Adding water will dilute the taste of the juice slightly, making it smoother and less tart.

11. Blend your pineapple

12. Strain your juice (optional).

13. Serve
